ASU faculty and students are advancing the theory and practice of fundamental molecular science, using state-of-the-art spectroscopy, single-molecule techniques and computational methods. The molecular properties of condensed matter and the fundamental principles of chemical reactivity are being defined experimentally and computationally.
Analytical biochemistry, mass spectrometry, protein posttranslational modifications, disease markers
Computational Solid State Chemistry, Semiconductor Simulation, Vibrational and Optical Properties of Solids, Physisorption, Carbon Sequestration

Quantum Information Chemistry, Electron spin, Microwave and Optical Spectroscopy, Electron Dynamics, Designer Qubits
Molecular modeling, biomolecular interactions and solvation, intermolecular vibrations, molecular crowding, complex formation and self-assembly
Biomolecular structure, dynamics, interactions and functions. Translational research
Biophysical chemistry, photophysics, single-molecule fluorescence, DNA-protein dynamics
Nanoparticles synthesis and functionalization DNA directed self-assembly Multi-component complex structure
Theoretical chemistry, condensed media, optical spectroscopy, electron transfer, proteins, phase and glass transition
Organic chemistry, materials chemistry, solar energy transduction, photocatalysis, molecular electronics, chemical sensing, proton coupled electron transfer
Theoretical chemistry, nanoscience, electron transfer, molecular conductance, nanomagnetism, chirality
Bacterial dynamics Single molecule Spectroscopy and Imaging analysis Stochastic processes Bayesian inference
Protein- and peptide-DNA nanotechnology, organic bioconjugation chemistry, self-assembly, nano-machines and devices, materials for biology and medicine
Experimental quantum biosensing; biophysics and protein sciences; diamond material; NMR; microscopy
Solid-state NMR and MRI, soft matter research, disordered materials, biopolymers, battery and fuel cell materials, polyamorphism, nano-materials, high-pressure chemistry, quantum computation, laser scattering spectroscopy, neutron, electron and xray diffraction of amorphous materials