James Allen
Protein structure and function, X-Ray crystallography, photosynthesis, bacterial cofactors
Ariel Anbar
Earth Surface Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Isotopic Composition Studies, Biogeochemistry
Christina Birkel
Inorganic solid-state chemistry, non-conventional synthesis methods, (micro)structure of layered solids/2D materials, magnetism, catalysis
Chad Borges
Analytical biochemistry, mass spectrometry, protein posttranslational modifications, disease
Julian Chen
Structure, function and evolution of ribonucleoprotein complexes, RNA-protein interactions, telomerase biogenesis and mechanism
Po-Lin Chiu
electron microscopy, cryo-EM, electron crystallography, membrane protein, structural biology, signal processing, image processing
Andrew Chizmeshya
Computational Solid State Chemistry, Semiconductor Simulation, Vibrational and Optical Properties of Solids, Physisorption, Carbon Sequestration
Glen DSouza
Microbiomes, Microscale Microbial Ecology, Carbon Sequestration, Host-Microbiome Interactions
Justin Earley
Quantum Information Chemistry, Electron spin, Microwave and Optical Spectroscopy, Electron Dynamics, Designer Qubits
Petra Fromme
Structural biochemistry and biophysics, membrane proteins, X-Ray crystallography, photosynthesis, molecular biology
Giovanna Ghirlanda
De-novo protein design and engineering, enzyme mechanisms, protein structure
Ian Gould
Photochemistry, mechanistic organic chemistry, organic geochemistry
Damanveer Grewal
Cosmochemistry, Geochemistry, High Pressure-High Temperature Chemistry, Isotope Geochemistry, Meteoritics
Jia Guo
Novel fluorescent probes, single cell genomics and proteomics, cancer biology, neuroscience
Mark Hayes
Microfluidics, bioassays, microchip devices, Noninvasive sampling, materials and surface chemistry
Sidney Hecht
Improved diagnoses and treatments for diseases caused by impaired energy metabolism
Pierre Herckes
Environmental Chemistry, Atmospheric Chemistry, Aerosol and Cloud Chemistry, Environmental Pollution, Analytical Chemistry
Matthias Heyden
Molecular modeling, biomolecular interactions and solvation, intermolecular vibrations, molecular crowding, complex formation and self-assembly
Anne Jones
Bioinorganic chemistry, electrochemistry, hydrogenases, de novo protein design and engineering, redox enzyme mechanisms, alternative energy generation
Jason Khoury
Quantum materials, Materials discovery; Electron correlations, Quantum phase transitions
John Kouvetakis
Solid-state inorganic chemistry, thin film heterostructures, nanoscale devices, microelectronics
Judith Klein-Seetharaman
Biomolecular structure, dynamics, interactions and functions. Translational research
Joshua LaBaer
Proteomics, biomarkers, cancer, diagnostics, protein arrays
Audrone Lapinaite
Structure and function of nucleoprotein complexes; bacterial immune systems; CRISPR-Cas; RNA modifications; engineering genome editing tools
Marcia Levitus
Biophysical chemistry, photophysics, single-molecule fluorescence, DNA-protein dynamics
Stuart Lindsay
Scanning probe microscopy, molecular electronics, molecular biophysics, nano-scale self-assembly
Di Liu
DNA/RNA nanotechnology; DNA topology; RNA structures; RNA therapeutics
Yan Liu
Nanoparticles synthesis and functionalization DNA directed self-assembly Multi-component complex structure
Dmitry Matyushov
Theoretical chemistry, condensed media, optical spectroscopy, electron transfer, proteins, phase and glass transition
Yuval Mazor
Photosynthesis, membrane proteins, genetics, structural biology
Jeremy Mills
Protein Engineering, Computational Protein Design, Unnatural Amino Acids, Directed Evolution
Ana Moore
Synthetic organic chemistry, carotenoids, photosynthesis, photochemistry
Gary Moore
Organic chemistry, materials chemistry, solar energy transduction, photocatalysis, molecular electronics, chemical sensing, proton coupled electron transfer
Thomas Moore
Photosynthesis, protonmotive force, proton and electron transfer, photochemistry, photobiology, bioenergy, biocatalysis, sustainable energy, dye sensitized semiconductors
Vladimiro Mujica
Theoretical chemistry, nanoscience, electron transfer, molecular conductance, nanomagnetism, chirality
Alexandra Navrotsky
Materials of the universe, thermochemistry, ceramics, geochemistry, mineralogy
Steve Presse
Bacterial dynamics Single molecule Spectroscopy and Imaging analysis Stochastic processes Bayesian inference
Tijana Rajh
Nanoparticle synthesis and characterization. Energy and information transduction. Semiconductor assisted electron transfer. Spin effects in nanoarchitectures.
Alberto Rascon
Aedes aegypti mosquito; Proteases; Protein Structure and Function; Viral Pathogens
Kevin Redding
Photosynthetic electron transfer, protein-cofactor interactions, membrane protein degradation, re-engineering photosynthesis for energy and bioremediation
Ranko Richert
Dynamics of Liquids, Glass Transition, Dynamic Heterogeneity, Confinement Effects
Liza Roger
marine biology, biochemistry, biomineralization, geochemistry, symbiosis, reef-building coral, mollusk, cnidarian
Alexandra Ros
Micro and nanofluidics Bioanalytics, Single cell analysis, Biomolecule migration mechanisms
Caitlin Sample
Polymer synthesis, materials, sustainability, green chemistry, circular economy
Scott Sayres
Ultrafast Lasers, Electron Dynamics, XUV Spectroscopy, Molecular Clusters
Don Seo
Inorganic solids, sustainable materials chemistry, porous materials, hierarchical nanostructures, hybrid materials, exploration of new synthetic methods, energy production, water purification, environmental remediations
Everett Shock
Biogeochemistry, Thermodynamic Modeling, Microbial Processes, Analytical Methods
Yoan Simon
Materials science, Polymer synthesis, Sustainability/Energy conversion, High-throughput chemistry/Automation
Abhishek Singharoy
Molecular dynamics simulations, Cryo-electron microscopy, X-ray crystallography, hybrid modeling
George Stephanopoulos
Protein- and peptide-DNA nanotechnology, organic bioconjugation chemistry,self-assembly,nano-machines and devices, materials for biology and medicine
Nicholas Stephanopoulos
Protein- and peptide-DNA nanotechnology, organic bioconjugation chemistry, self-assembly, nano-machines and devices, materials for biology and medicine
Petr Sulc
Coarse-grained modeling of DNA and RNA with applications to DNA/RNA nanotechnology, RNA folding, Molecular simulations to study properties of DNA and RNA in vivo and in vitro, Applications of statistical physics modeling to complex systems
Ryan Trovitch
Organometallic and Inorganic Chemistry, Homogeneous Catalysis, Small Molecule Activation, Green Chemistry, Reaction Mechanisms, Organic Synthesis
Wade Van Horn
Membrane proteins, Solution NMR, Structural biology, Biophysical Chemistry, Enzymology, Electrophysiology, Computational structural biology, Ion channels, Membrane enzymes
Xu Wang
Biochemistry, NMR, protein, carbohydrate, glycan, glycosaminoglycan, protein structure, protein-carbohydrate interactions
Peter Williams
Mass spectrometry, MALDI, DNA, sequencing, DNA Arrays
George Wolf
High pressure chemistry, phase transitions, spectroscopy, materials chemistry
Neal Woodbury
Photosynthesis, biophysics, DNA/protein complexes, nucleosomes, optically directed molecular evolution
Mouzhe Xie
Experimental quantum biosensing; biophysics and protein sciences; diamond material; NMR; microscopy
Hongwu Xu
Mineralogy/Crystallography; Thermodynamics; Solid State Chemistry, Materials Science; Neutron Diffraction; Synchrotron-Xray Scattering; Calorimetry; High Pressure Research
Jie Xu
Biological-nanostructure interactions, metal-sulfur systems; anoxygenic photosynthesis, crystal structure, interfacial chemistry, (cryo-)TEM, Mars habitability, environmental chemistry
Hao Yan
Design and assembly of biologically inspired nanomaterials, DNA nanostructures, nanoelectronics, biomolecular imaging
Jeffery Yarger
Solid-state NMR and MRI, soft matter research, disordered materials, biopolymers, battery and fuel cell materials, polyamorphism, nano-materials, high-pressure chemistry, quantum computation, laser scattering spectroscopy, neutron, electron and xray diffraction of amorphous materials