Geochemistry & Biogeochemistry

ASU has a strong history in connecting chemistry, biochemistry and geology.  Our students are studying the materials chemistry of the geosphere, and exploring new ways of performing chemical reactions inspired by geology, and how chemistry, biology and geology sustain life on earth, and possibly beyond.

Ariel Anbar

Earth Surface Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Isotopic Composition Studies, Biogeochemistry


Grewal Research

Damanveer Grewal

Cosmochemistry, Geochemistry, High Pressure Chemistry, Meteoritics, Planetary and Exoplanetary Science, Astrophysics

Ian Gould

Photochemistry, mechanistic organic chemistry, organic geochemistry



Alexandra Navrotsky

Materials of the universe, thermochemistry, ceramics, geochemistry, mineralogy

Liza Roger

Marine Biology, Biochemistry, Biomineralization, Geochemistry, Symbiosis, Reef-building Coral, Mollusk, Cnidarian


Everett Shock

Biogeochemistry, Thermodynamic Modeling, Microbial Processes, Analytical Methods


Jie Xu

Microbe-Nanostructure Interactions, Biogenic Nanomaterials, Amorphous Nanomaterials, Materials Crystal Structure and Catalysis, Anoxygenic Photosynthesis, Sulfur Bacteria, Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria, Biogeochemistry, and Astrobiology