Environmental Chemistry
ASU students are studying the environmental molecular processes that protect the earths' most valuable resources, air and water. Students study the chemistry of the atmosphere, the occurrence and fate of pollutants, the molecular science of urban ecology and the anthropocene.
Cosmochemistry, Geochemistry, High Pressure Chemistry, Meteoritics, Planetary and Exoplanetary Science, Astrophysics
Environmental Chemistry, Atmospheric Chemistry, Aerosol and Cloud Chemistry, Environmental Pollution, Analytical Chemistry
Materials of the universe, thermochemistry, ceramics, geochemistry, mineralogy
Marine Biology, Biochemistry, Biomineralization, Geochemistry, Symbiosis, Reef-building Coral, Mollusk, Cnidarian
Biogeochemistry, Thermodynamic Modeling, Microbial Processes, Analytical Methods
Microbe-Nanostructure Interactions, Biogenic Nanomaterials, Amorphous Nanomaterials, Materials Crystal Structure and Catalysis, Anoxygenic Photosynthesis, Sulfur Bacteria, Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria, Biogeochemistry, and Astrobiology
Design and assembly of biologically inspired nanomaterials, DNA nanostructures, nanoelectronics, biomolecular imaging