Assistant Professor
Office: ISTB1 481E
Phone: (480)965-8322
Fax: (480) 965-2747
Email: wade.van.horn@asu.edu
Dr. WADE VAN HORN's Lab or Group Website
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Our research interests focus on the roles of membrane proteins in human health and disease, with a particular interest in membrane proteins with therapeutic potential. Membrane proteins, as a class, make up the majority of therapeutic targets and play essential roles in biology and pathophysiology. We investigate the structure, dynamics, and function of this class of proteins with an interdisciplinary approach synthesizing the output from multiple disparate techniques which allows us to tackle challenging yet biomedically relevant problems. Our investigations focus on the following three themes:
1) TRP channel gating and modulation. TRPM8 functions as the primary cold sensor in humans where it integrates, thermo-, chemical-, and voltage-dependencies and is modulated by other proteins and lipids. This channel has significant therapeutic potential in diverse and important diseases such as cancer, chronic pain, obesity, and diabetes. We seek to understand the mechanism of how TRPM8 integrates distinct stimuli and modulators in an effort to unlock the therapeutic potential of TRPM8.
Selected Publications
"Bicelles at low concentrations," Z. Lu, W.D. Van Horn, J. Chen, S. Mathew, R. Zent, C.R. Sanders, Mol. Pharm. 336 752-761 (2012)
"The amyloid precursor protein has a flexible transmembrane domain and binds cholesterol," P.J. Barrett, Y. Song, W.D. Van Horn, E.J. Hustedt, J.M Schafer, A. Hadziselimovic, A.J. Beel, C.R. Sanders, Science 336 1168-1171 (2012)
"Prokaryotic Diacylglycerol Kinase and Undecaprenol Kinase," W.D. Van Horn, C.R. Sanders, Annu. Rev. Biophys. 41 61-81 (2012)
"Working model for the structural basis for KCNE1 modulation of the KCNQ1 potassium channel," W.D. Van Horn, C.G. Vanoye, C.R. Sanders, Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. 21 283-291 (2011)
"Functional Delivery of a Membrane Protein into Oocyte Membranes Using Bicelles," C. Kang, C.G. Vanoye, R.C. Welch, W.D. Van Horn, C.R. Sanders, Biochemistry 49 653-655 (2010)
"The Impact of Window Functions on NMR-Based Paramagnetic Relaxation Enhancement Measurements in Membrane Proteins," W.D. Van Horn, A.J. Beel, C. Kang, C.R. Sanders, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1798 140-149 (2010)
"Recent Advances in the Application of Solution NMR Spectroscopy to Multi-Span Integral Membrane Proteins," H. Kim, S.C. Howell, W.D. Van Horn, Y.H. Jeon, C.R. Sanders, Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc. 55 335-360 (2009)
"Reverse Micelle Encapsulation as a Model for Intracellular Crowding," W.D. Van Horn, M.E. Ogilvie, P.F. Flynn, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131 8030-8039 (2009)
"NMR Solution Structure of the Membrane-Integral Diacylglycerol Kinase," W.D. Van Horn, H. Kim, C.D. Ellis, A. Hadziselimovic, E.S. Sulistijo, M.D. Karra, C. Tian, F.D. Sönnichsen, C.R. Sanders, Science 324 1726-1729 (2009)
"Use of reverse micelles in membrane protein structural biology," W.D. Van Horn, M.E. Ogilvie, P.F. Flynn, J. Biomol. NMR 40 203-211 (2008)
"NMR Studies of Encapsulated Macromolecules," P.F. Flynn, A.K. Simorellis, W.D. Van Horn, Annual Reports in NMR Spectroscopy 62 179-219 (2007)
"Dynamics of Low Temperature Induced Water Shedding from AOT Reverse Micelles," A.K. Simorellis, W.D. Van Horn, P.F. Flynn, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128 5080-5090 (2006)
"Low Temperature Studies of Encapsulated Proteins," W.D. Van Horn, A.K. Simorellis, P.F. Flynn, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127 13553-13560 (2005)