School of Molecular Sciences

In 2015, the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Arizona State University became the School of Molecular Sciences to recognize the fact that modern chemical science now has profound impact well beyond the traditional disciplinary boundaries of chemistry and biochemistry.  

Innovation in Research and Education

Pioneering Researcher

From 2000 to 2010, Michael O’Keefe was the world's third most cited chemist. With ASU colleagues he generated the first pictures of atomic orbitals and invented metal-organic framework structures (MOFs).

Structural Revolution

Petra Fromme's group was part of the team that generated the first crystal structure of a protein using femtosecond X-ray nanocrystallography, a tool that promises to revolutionize structural biology.

Access and Opportunity

The School of Molecular Sciences hosts the nation's only online chemistry and biochemistry degrees, with innovative hands-on lab courses that meet the needs of students otherwise excluded from a college education.

Extraterrestrial Amino Acids

Carleton Moore led ASU’s early studies of the Murchison meteorite that resulted in the first isolation of extraterrestrial amino acids, demonstrating the unambiguous presence of complex organic compounds outside of Earth.

Sunlight Makes ATP

Devens Gust, Tom Moore and Ana Moore developed the first biomimetic, light-powered artificial photosynthetic system capable of using light energy to synthesize ATP, the molecule that powers life.

Proteins Are Conductors

Stuart Lindsay made the first measurements that demonstrated conductivity in proteins, usually considered to be insulators, by optimizing the molecular structure of the electrical contacts.

Recent Faculty Awards

Alex Navrotsky -2022
Czochralski Medal

Tim Long-2022
Paul J. Flory award

Gary Moore-2022
photochemistry award

Alexandra Ros-2020
Midcareer Achievement Award

Michael O'Keeffe-2019
Aminoff Prize

Peter Buseck-2019
Roebling Medal 

C. Austen Angell-2019
Gothenburg Lise Meitner Award 

Everett Shock-2019
ACS Geochemistry Medal  

Junior Faculty Recognition

  • 7 NSF CAREER Awards
  • 2 NIH New Innovator Awards
  • Air Force Young Investigator Award
  • Sloan Foundation Research Fellowship
  • DARPA Young Faculty Award
  • DOE Career Award

New Faculty

Alberto Rascon
Aedes aegypti mosquito; Proteases; Protein Structure and Function; Viral Pathogens

Mouzhe Xie
Experimental quantum biosensing; biophysics and protein sciences; diamond material; NMR; microscopy

Damanveer Grewal
Cosmochemistry; Geochemistry; High pressure chemistry; Meteoritics; Planetary and Exoplanetary Science; Astrophysics

Di Liu
DNA/RNA nanotechnology; DNA topology; RNA structures; RNA therapeutics

Jason Khoury
Quantum materials, Materials discovery; Electron correlations, Quantum phase transitions

Caitlin Sample
Polymer synthesis, materials, sustainability, green chemistry, circular economy

Teaching for Inclusion

ASU’s online chemistry and biochemistry degree programs are designed to provide diverse and underrepresented student populations access to a college education.

Average age
Increase in Black Students*
Increase in military/veteran students*

*compared to the on-ground population

Research with Impact


Patents filed
since 2015


research expenditures
in publications in Science and Nature
since 2000*
in high-impact publications in

*Source: Web of Science
**Thomson Reuters 2011 Journal Citation Reports(JCR)